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Free Creatica Chess Game Analyzer for MS Windows by Arkadi Poliakevitch


The motivation for developing this simple program is the limitation that I faced on my once favorite web site. My gold account only allowed "Deep" analysis of my games (2-3 minutes per game), not "Maximum" (4-6 minutes per game), which was only available for more premium account types. Another limitation of Computer Analysis is the usage of java script based Stockfish engine, which is much slower than its binary version. Therefore, game analysis often produces unsatisfactory results. Comparison of game analysis with the one made by the Stockfish binary executable, which uses multiple CPU cores and is not limited in time per move, favors the later by a huge margin.

Interestingly enough, right after I published this little program, my account had been closed without any explanation and the refund of my annual membership fee (I had to explicitly request it later). Were they afraid that my analyzer would impact them financially? should be ashamed of taking money for a poor game analysis (by the way, made by the free chess engine Stockfish!) and limit the game analysis time depending on the premiums paid for a membership. I wish them good luck in their promoting of the "fair" chess games.

Another disappointment is the lack of an automated analysis in popular chess software such as "SCID vs PC" or Chessbase that features "The Deep Analysis" that is completely unusable in my opinion. Have they ever tested it?

Therefore, I decided to write my own free chess game analyzer that is similar to's one in produced pgn comments but that works much faster, easy to install and use, has no limits, and more customizable.

Creatica Chess Game Analyzer Functionality

Main Features

During the analysis, the application prints to the console:

Each game move by default follows an engine's position evaluation. If the difference in engine's best move score and the game move score in pawns is higher than some predefined thresholds, the "Inaccuracy", "Mistake", "Blunder" comment or their variants are added as well as the best move line. The line ends with the best move score, the analyzed depth, the number of nodes in MN and the speed in MN/s. When the engine sees a mate, it will output it as well.

When the score difference in engine''s evaluation of opponent positions is greater than 1 pawn, the positive comments are turned on. When a move is coincided with the engine''s best move, the "great move" annotation is added and when a move is within the 0.2 pawn of the best move, the "good move" annotation is added. These two types of annotations are different in tone to reflect the winning or losing mood of a player.

Upon completion, the program creates a new pgn file that has a "-analyzer_by_<engine>" string added to the original pgn file name. The file is then authomatically opened in your default chess GUI.

Download, Installation, Usage and Customization

Please see the relative pages in the Context menu on your left.

Third Party programs used in Creatica Chess Analyzer

Stockfish 11 (latest development builds)

Creatica Chess Analyzer comes with the best free chess engine Stockfish. There are four binaries of Stockfish:

By default, Creatica Chess Analyzer automatically selects the best Stockfish binary for your system.